Saturday, January 14, 2012

52 weeks a year

So here goes..  I'm beginning a blog.  I tried a year ago to explain my DIY attempts, but didn't post one thing..  Secured the name of the blog,  wrote a few 'samples' in a word document, but that was it.

2012...  Let's try something new.  I don't think I'm even going to tell anyone about my meager attempt at blogging.  But I think its something that I MIGHT be able to complete..  Perhaps January 2013 I will make it available to the world..  ha ha.

I have become increasing fascinated with Pinterest.  As I wander throughout the boards and pages of friends and strangers, I find recipes intriguing.   My cupboard is full of recipe books and I have file folders on every computer I own with "recipes to try".   So I've decided to make one new recipe every week of the year and post a picture.  I'm not going to post a video showing the 'how to's' but will give a short few lines on whether I will add this to my "make often" repetoire.

Here goes nothing...